

Kieran Parker指導的電影
  • 中文名:特種部隊的崛起
  • 外文名:Outpost Rise Of The Spetsnaz
  • 别名:
  • 出品時間:2013年10月15日
  • 拍攝地點:英國
  • 類型:動作,恐怖
  • 主演:伊萬·卡馬拉斯,Bryan Larkin Michael McKel,維利貝·托皮奇,Ben Lambert Alec Utgoff
  • 片長:83分鐘
  • 對白語言:英語


Bryan Larkin ... Dolokhov

Iván Kamarás ... Fyodor

Michael McKell ... Strasser

Velibor Topic ... Arkadi

Laurence Possa ... Osakin

Ben Lambert ... Rogers

Alec Utgoff ... Kostya

Vince Docherty ... Klotz

Gareth Morrison ... Potrovsky

Leo Horsfield ... The Surgeon

Vivien Taylor ... The Nurse


名稱: 特種部隊的崛起

狀态: 完結

主演: Bryan Larkin, Iván Kamarás, Michael McKell

導演: Kieran Parker

地區: 美國

分類: 動作片

年份: 2013

對白: 英語



1944 - 深落後于德國的東部戰線。納粹車隊警長多洛霍夫和他的俄羅斯突擊隊突襲成功後發現令人震驚的研究可能會改變戰争的大潮中,但他們可以得到安全之前,他們被捕獲的納粹設施納粹的内線俄國人發現,瘋狂斯特拉瑟上校正在開發一種無敵的戰鬥力量:一股不可阻擋的軍隊不死的納粹士兵。兩名俄羅斯勇士必須通過自己的方式戰鬥中止實驗一大群逃避殘酷的設施前納粹可以完善自己的研究,并發揮他們的僵屍軍團在整個歐洲


1944 - Deep behind the German Eastern Front. After a successful raid on a Nazi convoy Sergeant Dolokhov and his Russian Commandos uncover shocking research that could change the tide of the war, but before they can get to safety, they are captured by the Nazi s Inside the Nazi facility the Russians discover that the crazed Colonel Strasser is developing an invincible fighting force: an unstoppable army of undead Nazi soldiers. The two Russian warriors must battle their way through a horde of aborted experiments to escape the brutal facility -before the Nazis can perfect their research and unleash their zombie army across EuropeThe two Russian warriors must battle their way through a horde of aborted experiments to escape the brutal facility -before the Nazis can perfect their research and unleash their zombie army across Europe..


